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Classes in video emphasize creative thinking in a time based medium. The curriculum places primary importance on aesthetic and personal development and emphasize a critical and historical understanding of the medium's place within our culture. Technical instruction is provided for both analog and digital video.

The Video Program serves a maximum of 25 students per semester. Students receive substantial personal attention at the undergraduate level. Each student is encouraged through a supportive environment to develop video and electronic media with curiosity, experimentation, and hard work.

Video classes in the Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts are offered by the Wonsook Kim School of Art and are also included in the Arts Technology and Cinema Studies curriculae. Students from throughout the College are encouraged to work in an interdisciplinary manner using video to synthesize the moving image, with digital photography, text, graphics, sound, sculpture, writing, performance, and installation.

Current Work

Green Screen Room

On-Set for Video

On-Set for Video

Video students working

Video students working

Video students working

Video students working

Video students working

Video students working

Video students working

Video students working


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