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Annie Sungkajun

Assistant Professor of Creative Technologies and Graphic Design
Wonsook Kim School of Art
Center for the Visual Arts - CVA 212A
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


Annie Sungkajun is an artist who creates interactive installations, that explores concepts of home, memory, and displacement, through projection mapping, tangible interaction, and 3D fabrication.

Current Courses

308.001Digital Media Design III

490.006Directed Projects In Creative Technology

390.007Directed Projects/Seminar In Arts Technology

377.001Motion Graphics

477.001Motion Graphics

354.001User Experience Design for Games

354.002User Experience Design for Games

302.002Digital Media Design II

490.001Directed Projects In Creative Technology

390.001Directed Projects/Seminar In Arts Technology

377.001Motion Graphics

477.001Motion Graphics

354.001User Experience Design for Games

Teaching Interests & Areas

Interaction Design, UI/UX, Motion Graphics, Installation

MFA Visualization

Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas

Conference Proceeding

Corness, G., Carlson, K., Sungkajun, A. (2023) Swoosh, Pop, and Kerplunk: Toys for Tangible Listening in Children. The ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI). International, Peer Reviewed. Accepted.
Sungkajun, A., Seo, J., ‘Though Miles Apart’, in EVA London 2021: Electronic Visualization & the Arts. 3 pages.
Carlson, K., Gill, L., Irannezhad, Z., Abdalla, A., Sungkajun, A., Bruner, S., and Jahraus, E. (2021) Uncharted Territories: Developing Digital Experiences for Anthropological and Archaeological Exploration. Electronic and Visual Arts (EVA), London. 8 pages.
Oyedokun, O., Carlson, K., Sungkajun, A. (2021) Embraced Separation: Exploring Methods of Breath Attunement in Speculative Infant Swings. Electronic and Visual Arts (EVA), London. 8 pages.
Bahmani, L., Shekara, A., Sungkajun, A. (2021) Finding Rhythm Amidst Disruption: Reconnecting through Cultural Translations of Time and Motion. MODE: Motion Design Education Summit. 8 pages.


Creative Technologies - The Keynote. High School Research Symposium. (2023)
Prototyping for Internet of Things (IoT) Projects with Arduino and ProtoPie. Illinois Art Education Association. (2022)
Though Miles Apart. Electronic Visualization & the Arts (EVA). (2021)
2021 Electronic Visualization and the Arts, EVA London Conference, London, England
Paper:– Finding Rhythm Amidst Disruption: Visualizing Translations of Time
Co-authored with Professor Ladan Bahmani and Professor Annie Sungkajun
2021 Re Connect, MODE Design Education Summit, Boston, Singapore, New Zealand
Paper:– Finding Rhythm Amidst Disruption: Reconnecting Through Cultural Translations of Time and Motion
Co-authored with Professor Ladan Bahmani and Professor Annie Sungkajun

Grants & Contracts

GTC. Wonsook Kim School of Art. Illinois State University. (2021)