Dan Cox
Assistant Professor of Game Design
Schl of Creative Technologies

CVA Center For The Visual Arts 212f
Office Hours
By appointment in-person or via Zoom.
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Research
Dan Cox teaches game design and development with a focus on creative storytelling and narrative design. They research digital tools through exploring how past software structures influence present algorithmic decision-making.
Current Courses
352.001Game Design II
352.002Game Design II
352.003Game Design II
353.001Game Development
Teaching Interests & Areas
Game Design, Game Development, and Narrative Design
Research Interests & Areas
Critical Code Studies, Media Archaeology, and Platform Studies.
PhD Texts and Technology
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
MA Rhetoric and Composition
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA
BS Computer Science
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA
Book, Authored
Cox, D. Hands-On Dynamic Story Scripting with the ink Scripting Language. Packt Publishing (2021)
Book, Edited
Cox, Daniel, and Chris Klimas, editors. The Twine Cookbook. 1st ed., Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation, 2024.
Conference Proceeding
Berge, P., Cox, D., Murray, J., & Salter, A. Adventures in TwineSpace: An Augmented Reality Story Format for Twine. Vosmeer, M., Holloway-Attaway, L. (EDs), Interactive Storytelling. Interactive Storytelling: 15th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling 13762 (2022): 499 - 512.
Collaboration with AI Through Teaching and Practice in Creative Technologies. AI & the Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Illinois State University. (2025)
Routine, Twisty, and Queer: Pasts and Futures of Games Programming Pedagogy with No and Low Code Tools. Foundations of Digital Games 2025. (2024)
Cox, D. (2024). Separate Development, Unity with AI. Critical Making With/Against AI. Society for Cinema and Media Studies. 14-17 March 2024. Boston, Massachusetts.
Cox, D. (2024). Twine Before Twine: Media Archaeology and Early Twine Works from 2006 to 2012. ELO (Un)linked 2024. 18-21 July 2024. Online.
Cox, D., Johnson, E., Murray, J., & Salter, A. (2024). Teaching the Digital Humanities in the Age of AI. Association for Computers and the Humanities. 6-8 November 2024. Online.
Cox, D. (2024). You Were Bought at a Price: War Metaphors and Queer Recovery in Beam Saber and This Body of Mine, I Will Make it a Temple. Generation Analog 2024. 24-25 July 2024. Online.
Howard, K. & Cox, D. (2024). Dynamic story creation across game platforms using the narrative language ink. DiGRA 2024. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. https://github.com/KentonTaylorHoward/DiGRA2024-ink-workshop
Grants & Contracts
Building Community to Support Student Success in The School of Creative Technologies. Provost Innovation Enhancement Grant. Illinois State University. (2024)