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Emily Beinborn

Instructional Assistant Professor of Music Therapy
School of Music
JH Julian Hall 57
  • About
  • Education


Emily Beinborn is the Coordinator of Music Therapy Clinical Training, and practicum supervisor and instructor at Illinois State University. She joined the School of Music faculty in Fall 2015. Professor Beinborn received her bachelor's and master's degrees in music therapy from Illinois State University, and has been a practicing board-certified music therapist since 2011. She specializes in diverse clinical areas including hospice care, pediatric and adult medical settings, early childhood education, and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Furthermore, she has experience supporting adults managing neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and stroke.

Current Courses

298Professional Practice: Music Therapy Internship

MM Music Therapy

Illinois State University
Normal, IL

BM Music Therapy

Illinois State University
Normal, IL