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Elisabeth Friedman

Associate Professor of Art
Wonsook Kim School of Art
Center for the Visual Arts - CVA 206D
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Elisabeth Friedman received a PhD in Social & Political Thought from York University in 2008 and started as an Assistant Professor of Art History at ISU that same year.

Current Courses

495.001Graduate Seminar In Art History

395.001Undergraduate Seminar In Art History

275.001World Arts: Visual Arts

406.001Seminar in Modern and Contemporary Art & Architecture - Art in a Globalized World

306.001Seminar in Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture: Contemporary Art in a Globalized World

411.001Seminar in Visual Culture, History and Theory, Thinking with Images: Critical and Visual Theory

311.001Seminar in Visual Culture, History, and Theory: Critical and Visual Theory

451.002Special Projects: Art History

444.003Studio Work: Painting

275.002World Arts: Visual Arts

Teaching Interests & Areas

Dr. Friedman teaches widely in contemporary art and visual culture, offering both introductory and advanced courses on the modern and contemporary art of Latin America; art of the postmodern era; and seminars in global contemporary art and contemporary art in Palestine and Israel. She also teaches combined undergraduate/graduate seminars on the History and Theory of the Museum and on Critical and Visual Theory.

Research Interests & Areas

Dr. Friedman's research addresses the relationship among artworks, affects and contemporary theorizations of the archive. She wrote her PhD dissertation on contemporary artistic responses to the Holocaust, titled “Aesthetics of Incommensurability: Artworks, Archives and the Dilemmas of Holocaust Representation." Dr. Friedman now researches and writes about contemporary art in Palestine; she was awarded a National Endowemt for the Humanities Fellowship in 2016-2017 to support extended travel in Palestine for this research. She has published eight refereed articles in international journals, a catalog essay, and has two essays accepted to be published as chapters in anthologies. Dr. Friedman has delivered over thirty conference presentations and invited talks on her research.

PhD Social & Political Thought

York University
Toronto, Ontario

MA Social & Political Thought

York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

AB Growth & Structure of Cities

Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, PA

Book, Chapter

Friedman, E. spiegelman’s magic box: MetaMaus and the archive of representation. Dr. Julia Round, Dr. Chris Murray and Dr. Madeline Gagnes (EDs), Multimodal Comics: The Evolution of Comics Studies. Intellect Books Multimodal Comics: The Evolution of Comics Studies.1st: 252.


Dor Guez’s Scanograms: Archiving the Virtual. 4th Annual Reframing the Archive International Conference on Photography and Visual Culture: Image, Archive & Conflict: (Im)material Ecologies in the Digital Age. Archivo International Photography & Visual Culture Research Platform. (2023)