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Lea Cline

Wonsook Kim School of Art
Center for the Visual Arts - CVA 203 C
Office Hours
Variable per semester
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Dr. Cline is Professor of Art History, Affiliate Faculty of Women’s and Gender Studies, and Assistant Director of the European Studies program. She is currently the area coordinator for Art History in the Wonsook Kim School of Art and the Student Program Advisor for the U.S. Fulbright Program. Dr. Cline is also the co-founder and co-director of the ISU in Italy: Orvieto study abroad program and the Valle Gianni archaeological field school.

Cline earned her doctorate at the University of Texas at Austin in Roman Art and Architecture in 2013.

Cline was a Fulbright scholar to Italy in 2007, and has taught American students in Italy with the University of Georgia, the University of Texas, and Southern Methodist University. Before coming to ISU, Dr. Cline worked at Yale University Art Gallery (Coins and Medals) and the University of Florida (Art History). She joined the faculty at ISU as an Assistant Professor of Art History in the fall of 2012.

Current Courses

304.001Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Art and Architecture: Pompeii

404.001Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Art and Architecture: Pompeii

155.001Survey Of Art I

241.001Roman Art and Architecture

155.001Survey Of Art I

Teaching Interests & Areas

Imperial Roman Art and Archaeology; Domestic Decoration (Wall Painting, Mosaics); Material Culture Studies; Sacred Architecture

Research Interests & Areas

Imperial Roman Art and Archaeology; Domestic Decoration (Wall Painting, Mosaics); Material Culture Studies; Sacred Architecture

PhD Roman Art and Architecture

University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

MA Art History (Roman)

University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas


Trinity University
San Antonio, Texas

Outstanding University Service Award

Illinois State University

Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts Outstanding Research Award

Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts

Ken Holder Endowed Professor of Art

Wonsook Kim School of Art

Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship

Harvard University

Office of International Studies and Programs, Internationalization Award

Illinois State University

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning University Research Grant

Illinois State University

University Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Office of International Studies and Program, International Travel Grant

Illinois State University

University Service Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Günther Stamm Prize for Excellence

Department of Art History, Florida State University

Book Review

Schmieder, C. (2023). LEA K. CLINE and NATHAN T. ELKINS (EDS), THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF ROMAN IMAGERY AND ICONOGRAPHY (Oxford handbooks). New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xiii, 578, illus. isbn 9780190850326. £97.00. The Journal of Roman Studies, 1-2. doi:10.1017/S0075435823000400

Book, Chapter

“Pavements and Mosaics at Villa A.” In Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Torre Annunziata, Italy (Oplontis), 50 B.C.-A.D. 79, edited by John R Clarke and Nayla Muntasser. Washington, D.C.: American Council of Learned Societies, 2018

Book, Edited

Cline, L. Oxford Handbook of Roman Imagery and Iconography,. Lea Cline and Nathan Elkins (EDs). Oxford University Press (2022): 552.

Conference Proceeding

with Regina Gee, “Paint on Floors, Stone on Walls: Renovation, Style Chronologies, and Surface Value in the Decorative Schemes at Villa A, Oplontis (Torre Annunziata, Italy).” In Actes du XIIIe Colloque l’Association Internationale pour l’Etude de la Mosaïque Antique (Madrid, Spain, September 14-18, 2015), edited by Luz Neria Jiménez. Madrid, 2017.
“Imitation vs. Reality: Zebra Stripe Paintings and Imitation Marble in the late Fourth Style at Oplontis.” In Actes du XIe Colloque de l’Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique (Ephesos 13-27 September, 2010), edited by Norbert Zimmerman. Wien, 2014.
“Surface Matters: New Evidence for the Treatment of Roman Pavements.” In Actes du XIIe Colloque l’Association Internationale pour l’Etude de la Mosaïque Antique (Venice, Italy, 11-15 September 2012), edited by Giordiana Trovabene. Venice, 2014.
with John Clarke, “New Light on Mosaic Metrics: Research at Villa A, Torre Annunziata, Italy, 50 B.C. – A.D. 79.” In Acts of the 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics (Bursa 16-20 October 2009), edited by Mustafa Şahin, 247-258. Bursa, Turkey: Uludağ University Press, 2012.

Journal Article

Erin Mikulec, Kathryn Jasper, and Lea Cline. “ ‘I can navigate the world’: Student Reflections of Study Abroad - Evidence from One University Campus.” The Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching 4:1 (2019): 84-109.
“Painted Pavements: Illusion and Imitation at Villa A (“of Poppea”) at Oplontis.” Selected Papers in Ancient Art and Architecture, AIA Monographs, vol. 1, edited by Sarah Lepinski and Susanna McFadden. 205-218. Boston: Archaeological Institute of America, 2015.
“Rising from the Ashes: The Arae Incendii Neroniani in New Flavian Rome.” Athanor XXVII (Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 2009), 15-24.


Riprese delle indagini nel sito di Valle Gianni (Gradoli). Cosa C'e Sotto? Scoperte archeologiche intorno al Lago. Museo Territoriale del Lago di Bolsena. (2022)
From the Ground Up: New Evidence for the Treatment of Roman Pavements at Oplontis (Villa A). Archaeological Institute of America. (2021)
Function and Fakery in the Floors of Villa A (Oplontis). Materiality as Décor: Aesthetics, Semantics, and Function. Christian-Albrechts-Universität. (2020)
Art, Illusion, and Slavery in the Roman Villa. Art Institute of Chicago. (2019)
Assessing Student Learning Outcomes of Participating in Study Abroad Programs at ISU. Center for Teaching and Learning, Annual Symposium. Illinois State University. (2019)
A Learning Culture through Learning Culture: Campus-Wide Outcomes of Participating in Study Abroad. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (2018)
Art, Illusion, and Control: The Slave and the Roman Villa. Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Department of Art History. (2018)
Art, Illusion, and Control: The Slave and the Roman Villa. Illinois Classics Conference. Northwestern University. (2018)
Life and Art in a Roman Villa: Locating the Slave in the Villa at Oplontis. Loyola University, Department of Classics. (2018)
When Dictators Die: The Altar and Column of Caesar in the Forum Romanum. Faculty Research Colloquium. School of Art, Illinois State University. (2017)

Grants & Contracts

Advancing Research and Creative Scholarship (ARCS). Illinois State University Office of Research and Graduate Studies. Illinois State University. (2023)
Northwest Bolsena Archaeological Project. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2023)
University Research Grant. WKCFA. Illinois State University. (2023)
University Research Grant. Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts. Illinois State University. (2023)
University Research Grant. Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts. Illinois State University. (2022)