Lauren M Lowell

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Lauren M. Lowell is a member of the Design faculty in the Illinois State University School of Theatre and Dance, where she teaches all things Costume Design. Head of Design/Production, Lauren is part of programs in the field at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Born and raised in southeastern Michigan, Lauren received her BA from Central Michigan University. She majored in Theatre and Interpretive Arts, but also completed double minors in Broadcast/Cinematic Arts and Music (Piano Performance). Following undergrad, Lauren studied at University of Georgia where she received an MFA in Design (Costumes).
Lauren Lowell is currently under a textbook contract with Waveland Press. Formerly, she as penned articles published in Costume Research Journal and Sightlines. Lauren has also presented papers at the Annual International Hawaiian Conference on the Arts & Humanities in Waikiki and the New Dialogues in Costume Conference at The Wallace Collection in London. Lauren teaches a three week course entitled Eastern European Theatre: Design Perspectives in Prague, Czech Republic and recently an Introduction to Western Costume History course at Srinakharinwriot University in Bangkok, Thailand.
Current Courses
464.001Advanced Projects In Design
423.001Costume Design
309.001Directed Projects
299.003Independent Honor Study
400.001Independent Study
400.002Independent Study
130.001Introduction To Costume
130.002Introduction To Costume
130.003Introduction To Costume
130.004Introduction To Costume
130.005Introduction To Costume
501.001M.F.A. Portfolio:Costume Design
498.002Professional Practice
366.001Rendering Techniques For The Stage: Drawing Fundamentals
466.001Rendering Techniques for the Stage: Drawing Fundamentals
430.001Seminar In Theatre:Costume Studies
302.002Theatre Practicum
330.001Theatrical Costume Design
Teaching Interests & Areas
Fashion Rebels, Non-European Dress Culture, Study Abroad.
Research Interests & Areas
Feminism in the Evolution of Dress, Costume Rendering, Historical Undergarments, Fabric Manipulation Techniques, Embroidery and Needlecrafts, Face Painting and Body Graffiti.