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Lauren M Lowell

Head of Design/Production
Sch of Theatre Dance and Film
CE Centennial East 7
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Lauren M. Lowell is a member of the Design faculty in the Illinois State University School of Theatre and Dance, where she teaches all things Costume Design. Head of Design/Production, Lauren is part of programs in the field at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Born and raised in southeastern Michigan, Lauren received her BA from Central Michigan University. She majored in Theatre and Interpretive Arts, but also completed double minors in Broadcast/Cinematic Arts and Music (Piano Performance). Following undergrad, Lauren studied at University of Georgia where she received an MFA in Design (Costumes).

Lauren Lowell is currently under a textbook contract with Waveland Press. Formerly, she as penned articles published in Costume Research Journal and Sightlines. Lauren has also presented papers at the Annual International Hawaiian Conference on the Arts & Humanities in Waikiki and the New Dialogues in Costume Conference at The Wallace Collection in London. Lauren teaches a three week course entitled Eastern European Theatre: Design Perspectives in Prague, Czech Republic and recently an Introduction to Western Costume History course at Srinakharinwriot University in Bangkok, Thailand.

Current Courses

464.001Advanced Projects In Design

423.001Costume Design

309.001Directed Projects

299.003Independent Honor Study

400.001Independent Study

400.002Independent Study

130.001Introduction To Costume

130.002Introduction To Costume

130.003Introduction To Costume

130.004Introduction To Costume

130.005Introduction To Costume

501.001M.F.A. Portfolio:Costume Design

498.002Professional Practice

366.001Rendering Techniques For The Stage: Drawing Fundamentals

466.001Rendering Techniques for the Stage: Drawing Fundamentals

430.001Seminar In Theatre:Costume Studies

302.002Theatre Practicum

330.001Theatrical Costume Design

Teaching Interests & Areas

Fashion Rebels, Non-European Dress Culture, Study Abroad.

Research Interests & Areas

Feminism in the Evolution of Dress, Costume Rendering, Historical Undergarments, Fabric Manipulation Techniques, Embroidery and Needlecrafts, Face Painting and Body Graffiti.

MFA Costume Design

University of Georgia
Athens, GA

MFA Theatre (Concentration in Costume/Scenic Design)

University of Georgia

BA General Theatre

Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI

Bachelor of Arts Theatre, Music, & Broadcasting

Central Michigan University

Outstanding Research Award Nominee2024 College of Fine Arts Outstanding Service Award Nominee2018 College of Fine Arts Outstanding Teaching Award Nominee2016 College of Fine Arts Teaching Initiative Award Nominee2007 College of Fine Arts Research Initiative Award Nominee200

Nominations College of Fine Arts

Outstanding Costume Design of a Mainstage Production for Sueño2022 Outstanding Hair & makeup Design of a Mainstage Production for Sueño2022 Outstanding Costume Design of a Mainstage Production for Legally Blonde2022 Outstanding Costume Design of a Mainstage Production for Alice in Wonderland2016 Outstanding Costume Design of a Mainstage Production for Cabaret2015

ISU School of Theatre & Dance Mask & Hammer Awards

Outstanding Service Award

School of Theatre and Dance

Outstanding University Teaching Award

School of Theatre and Dance

Educating Illinois in Action Award2009 College of Fine Arts Outstanding Teacher Category I Recipient2008 College of Fine Arts Outstanding Teacher Initiative Award2008 Center for Teaching & Learning Faculty Development Award2007 University Phase II Research Grant2004

Illinois State University Awards

Outstanding Teacher Award

ISU College of Fine Arts

Research Initiative Award

ISU College of Fine Arts

Who’s Who

Who’s Who in Fine Arts Higher Education

Measure for Measure (University of Georgia)

American College Theatre Festival Barbizan Award Nomination

W. Joseph Stell Design Expo Award

United States Institute for Theatre Technology-Southeast Region

Book Review

Lowell, L. Book Review: MADELEINE VIONNET. Susan Brown Strauss (EDs), Costume Research Journal. Costume Research Journal Spring 2002, Volume 4 (2002)

Book, Authored

Lowell, L. (2024) DRESSING HISTORICAL CHARACTERS: Clothing History for Entertainment Designers, Waveland Press, Long Grove, IL

Journal Article

Lowell, L. 'All the World is a Stage' When Studying Abroad. Sightlines. Sightlines, United States Institute for Theatre Technology (2008)
Lowell, L., & Brown-Strauss, S. Book Reviews: Madeleine Vionnet Winter 2001, Volume xiii, no. 3`2001 Patterns: 1930s Dress Fall 2001, Volume xiii, no.2`2001 Erte Inspired Hoops for Will Rogers’Follies (2002)
Lowell, L. Erte Inspired Hoops for WILL ROGERS FOLLIES. Costume Research Journal. Costume Research Journal Fall 2001, Volume xiii, no. 2 (2001)
Lowell, L. Patterns: 1930s Dress. Costume Research Journal Winter 2001, Volume 03 (2001)

Magazine/Trade Publication

Lowell, L. es, June 2008 Issue2008 (2008)


An Army of Helmets Defeated by a Shop Bot. United States Institute for Theatre Technology. (2013)
Costume Shop Ergonomics. United States Institute for Theatre Technology. (2013)
Lexan Fairy Wings. United States Institute for Theatre Technology. (2010)
A Better Pattern Drafting Software?. United States Institute for Theatre Technology. (2007)
Adventures in 16th Century Corsetry. United States Institute for Theatre Technology. (2007)
Erte Inspired Hoops for WILL ROGERS FOLLIES. United States Institute for Theatre Technology. (2001)