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Scene Design Financial Assistance

The University provides graduate assistantships as a means of financial support. They are intended as a way to facilitate a student's progress to degree while providing important professional development.

Students who meet GPA standards can also earn an assistantship in the School of Theatre, Dance, and Film. The assistantship provides a stipend to the candidate for working in the scene shop, the prop shop or in selected teaching assignments. Candidates with an assistantship also are given a full tuition waiver for each semester that they are enrolled in the program.

The Scene Design program admits a limited number of students. There are currently four assistantship positions awarded each year.


To be eligible for an assistantship a student must, generally,

  • be admitted unconditionally as a degree-seeking student into a graduate academic program, or have a minimum of 120 undergraduate hours if in an integrated degree program
  • be in good-standing
  • be enrolled full-time (typically at least 9 credit hours during the fall or spring semesters, or at least 6 hours during the summer session).


Graduate assistants receive

  • monthly wages paid in the form of either a stipend or an hourly wage
  • a waiver for 100% of tuition during a semester of appointment
  • a waiver for up to 12 credit hours of tuition for the summer term immediately following a fall or spring appointment