“There is big talk of “changing the landscape of painting” but what does this really mean? Challenging tradition or forgoing traditional altogether? Spencer Molnar and Cooper Gibson both work with/out paint in ways that challenge traditional methods of painting. Molnar’s paintings question our perceptions of depth and therefore what is really important in a painting. The background and foreground are confused through thickly layered paint, pattern and texture that make up Molnar’s colorful and tactile paintings. Gibson forgoes paint all together in favor of materials you could find in the craft section of a dollar store. Beads, plastic gems, glitter, fake flowers, manufactured butterflies, etc. By using these mass-produced decorative goods, Gibson challenges what it means to paint, and like Molnar, what is important in a painting. Through these seemingly mundane and purely decorative objects, Gibson elevates the painted surface beyond a painting and into the realm of the adorned object. What does it mean to adorn an art object with things that are seen traditionally as cheap craft supplies in an effort to beautify it? Through the juxtaposition of these two bodies of work the artists hope to create an environment where the viewer is free to consider painting in a new way without fear of repercussion. Painting can be fun! Art can be decorative!”
Landscape Painting An exhibition by Cooper Gibson and Spencer Molnar
“The strong women told the faggots that there are two important things to remember about the coming revolutions. The first is that we will get our asses kicked. The second is that we will win.”
-Larry Mitchell, The Faggots & Their Friends Between Revolutions (1997)
Gibson proposed the title Landscape Painting as a joke. Gibson and Molnar’s work couldn’t be further from a traditional landscape painting. However, they both utilize the language of their own personal landscapes within their work.
Molnar layers thick globs and strokes of paint over fields of spray paint and charcoal. The relationship he shares with his painting practice is both puzzling and poetic to Molnar. Describing his work as existing within a mixed states of being and expression. By straddling the position of abstraction and representation, space becomes indeterminate as disintegration or assemblage. A slice of sky, a plain of grass, a white picket fence. Molnar confronts the landscape via enigmatic curiosity. Swirling bodies of charcoal and fat morsels of pigment fill the frame and interrupt our perception.
Gibson describes their memories of growing up in rural Kentucky and references the visual iconography of the American south and more broadly Americana. They inject queer iconography and use their body to confront the pastoral. Like the ants, Gibson is a pest; Interrupting a place where they were never invited. Crashing the picnic, embracing revolution; and creating a party all their own.
Both artists are inspired by flora and fauna. Working with abstractions of organic forms and using colors that could be found in a forest at night or in the afternoon sky. As we navigate an ever-shifting landscape, both politically, culturally, and ecologically; the artists reflect on what has been, what will be, what has never been, and what could be
Gallery View
Spencer Molnar
Sierra Mist
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
Cooper Gibson
Grass study 3
Approximately 5x5 inches
Spray paint and house paint on wood
Spencer Molnar
Sierra Mist
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
Spencer Molnar
It Billows
Acrylic, spray paint, and charcoal on newsprint
It Billows #2
Acrylic, spray paint, charcoal, and masking tape on newsprint
Spencer Molnar
Acrylic on canvas
Spencer Molnar
Stable Void
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
Spencer Molnar
Untitled (Foliage) #2
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
Cooper Gibson
You’re not from around here, are you?
Dimensions variable
Acrylic and spray paint on foam board, artificial flowers, floral foam
Gallery View
Cooper Gibson
Grass study 1
Approximately 1x1 feet
Spray paint and house paint on wood
Spencer Molnar
Acrylic on panel
Cooper Gibson
Grass study 2
Approximately 2x1.5 feet
Spray paint and house paint on wood
Cooper Gibson
Peebee Enjay
5.4x4x6 feet
Video installation, artificial turf
Cooper Gibson
Peebee Enjay
5.4x4x6 feet
Video installation, artificial turf
Cooper Gibson and Spencer Molnar
Foam, spray paint, gingham table cloth, and syrup